Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Only 3 weeks to go! Looking back and Moving Forward...

Thats right, I only have three more weeks in southern California and then I will be heading to Virginia Beach! I am very excited that its almost time for me to move, but part of me is stunned that it has gone by this fast. When my husband left for his deployment, it felt like this huge mountain we had to climb before we could be reunited and actually live together as husband and wife. This past year has definitely been full of surprises and a lot of hard times but now that the wait is almost over I can hardly believe it. I am so thankful that the Lord has helped get me through the past 9 months of being away from my husband, and without him I would probably still be wearing my pajamas all day, eating oreos and never leaving my bed! Which trust me, would not be a pretty sight! ;)

I can still remember the day my husband called me from his a-school in Mississippi and told me he was being deployed right away. It was like someone sucker punched me in the stomach, and in an instant all my hopes, dreams and excitement for our future together were shattered (although not permanently, thank God!). I can honestly say my heart was broken, and I don't think I have ever been more sad in my life. Not only had we been apart for over 4 months already but we were newlyweds to boot, and I wanted nothing more than to get our orders and finally live together again. We had just found out that we were being stationed in Virginia, and were getting set to move within a few weeks, when he learned of his deployment. I don't think I have ever been so angry, sad, or cried so much in one day as I did on that day. I thought it was an insurmountable obstacle, and I had no idea how I was going to get through another half a year without my husband. Don't get me wrong, I knew he would be deployed eventually, but I had no idea it would be so soon, and lets just say that I was "less than prepared" for that scenario to actually end up happening. So, I had a decision to make: move to Virginia and be completely alone for 6 months, or stay here in Cali where my friends and family would be nearby to help me get through all this.

Obviously I chose to stay here and I'm really glad I did. Now that this deployment is almost over I can finally see why the lord chose to put us through all this. There are so many good things that have come out of this deployment, and I can say in all honestly that I am a stronger person because of it. If you had told me two years ago, or even a year ago for that matter that I would have been able to go through all this and still come out a survivor, I would have never believed you. If I have learned anything from this experience it would be that God never gives you something you can't handle and most importantly that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," which is one of my favorite verses in the bible. I have also learned that the Love my husband and I share is much stronger than I ever thought possible, and having been through this experience, I know if we put our minds to it and our faith in the Lord, we can make it through anything together. So even though this past 9 months have SUCKED horribly at times, I am glad we went through them.  Now I am looking forward to our future together with a smile on my face and hope in my heart. I know there will be more hard times to come, but I know in my heart of hearts that God's plans are the best plans for my life, and this deployment has only succeeded in proving that to me.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Movie Madness: What are you watching this week?

Two weeks ago I wrote a post about all the great movies I had been watching lately, and last week was no exception, I just didn't have time to actually write everything out. Therefor this post is a little late, but I figure better late than never right? ;)

 Since the last "Movie Madness" post I wrote was mainly about older movies (with the exception of "The Proposal") I figured this week I would write about some of the newer movies that I have been lucky enough to see, courtesy of the local "Video Fox" and "Redbox" in my neighborhood. So lets get started!

The first film I watched was supposedly "based on a true story" but I would use that term loosely. Now normally I wouldn't watch a movie like this cause they are just too freaky for my little self, but one of my besties made us watch it on Saturday during our "Besty Night". Thanks a lot "A," if I had trouble sleeping before this, well I'll just forget about sleeping ever again! The movie I'm talking about...? The Fourth Kind. 
This movie seriously had the three of us so freaked out! If you haven't heard of it before, its "based on a true story," again I donno how "true" that is, but I highly doubt it! Its about a psychologist in Nome, Alaska who is doing an insomnia study. A bunch of her patients with insomnia all told similar stories of not being able to sleep, and then seeing an owl outside their window. Then when they were asked what else they remembered they couldn't recall any other details, that is until the psychologist decided to put them under hypnosis and then all hell breaks loose! I won't reveal any other details because I don't wanna ruin it for you, but the thing about this movie that gave me chills was the use of actual footage from the real psychologist herself! They used video and audio recordings in the film that were actually part of the study and showed her really hypnotizing her patients. It was all a little too much for me, considering my own struggle with insomnia! Lol, but I am a woman of faith and I will simply say that I don't believe in this sort of thing. So anyway if you are feeling brave, then check out this film!

The next film I watched was on a completely different scale, and I personally thought it was pretty funny. Thats right, I'm talking about "Hot Tub Time Machine." Now let me just say that I LOVE JOHN CUSACK!!! I think he is soo handsome (yes even with his squinty eyes!) so I wanted to see this one regardless.

The rest of the cast is pretty hilarious as well, and the story centers around 4 friends who go on vacation, only to be sent back in time by their hot tub. It sounds pretty stupid, and in a lot of ways it was, but it was still funny. :)

The next film I watched was "When in Rome" with Kristin Bell and one of my new favorite leading men Josh Duhamel. Seriously this man is drop dead gorgeous! I think I might have even drooled a little bit during this movie, lol! It should be a crime for a man to be this handsome. ;)
But with all day dreaming aside, I Loved, Loved, Loved this movie!!! It was so cute, but also hilarious! Kristin Bell does a great job in this film and is always finding herself in embarrassing situations, but that doesn't stop Josh Duhamel's character from falling in love with her.The actors were great, and I loved the physical comedy throughout the movie. If you haven't seen it yet, this is a must see! Get your butt to the video store, or better yet just buy it! I mean look at him..come on! ;)
Well that's all for this week, but be sure to check out my post next week, as I'm sure to have seen some more great films by then! Have you watched anything interesting lately?? Do you have any suggestions of movies you think I might like?? If so leave me a comment, I would love to know what you're watching this week and I'm always looking for new and interesting films to add to my collection! :) Happy Tuesday everyone!

Attention All Followers: This is Important!!!!

Lately I have noticed that many of you who leave comments on my blog do not have your "reply to email" settings on and this makes me very sad! I enjoy your comments and would love to respond to you all
so please be a doll and change your settings! All you have to do is:

  1. Go to your Dashboard and click "Edit Profile" 
  2. Check the box that says "Show my e-mail address"
  3. Scroll to the end of the page and click "Save Profile"

And Voila! Now when you comment on a lovely blog, and they want to reply to your comment, their reply will be sent to your email! Trust me this makes things so much easier, especially if you leave questions or simply a comment that the other blog author wants to respond to individually.

Now if you want to set up your account so that all the comments people leave you on your blog are sent directly to your email (thus making it easier to respond to your followers individually) then simply do this:
  1. Go to your Dashboard and click "Settings" 
  2. Next click on the tab that says "Comments" and scroll down to the bottom of the page and find a box that says "Comment Notification Email" 
  3. Then simply enter your email address in the box provided and click "Save Settings" at the bottom of the page!

Now you're all set up to allow other blog authors to respond to your comments by email, as well as allowing yourself to respond to your followers comments on your blog by email! Now that I'm done explaining all that I'm on to write a real post!  :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Thank You, Thank You Very Much!

 (Sorry but I just couldn't resist posting this photo. Every time I hear that saying this is what pops into my head. Isn't this photo great? I am a third generation Elvis fan and I still think he was smokin' hot!)

I just wanna say thanks to all my sweet followers who left me some tips for my insomnia on my post yesterday!  I can't tell you how much I appreciated all your ideas and I also learned I'm not the only one suffering from a lack of sleep. Hmmmm I'm beginning to think it has something to do with this stressful lifestyle, (thanks Navy!) because there seems to be a pattern here!! :) Anyway I am going to try all of your suggestions and I will let you guys know what works for me. Also last night was unsuccessful in the sleep department because I had written an email to my husband before going to bed and he actually responded within half an hour, (which never happens btw) so we emailed back and forth for awhile and then he called me at about 3 am!! I was so happy to hear from him that I didn't care about getting any sleep. After we talked for about ten minutes and got off the phone, I was too excited to be sleepy again. I felt like a school girl in love for the first time!! ;) Talking to my husband still gives me butterflys and I am just smitten with him.♥ I tossed and turned and tried to relax but it took me until after 4 am to  finally fall asleep. So tonight I will try again, and I'm probably gonna get some of that decaf green tea to drink before bed and see if that helps me relax (Thanks Kels) and I have already taken your guys advice on making my bed a technology free zone! No more laptop on the bed, cause that is probably screwing me up more than anything. Anyway A big thank you to everyone who chimed in and gave their advice, it is very much appreciated! Thats all for now, but I have a few more posts lined up so stay tuned cause there is a lot bouncing around in this little head of mine (hence the lack of sleep!). Have a great Monday everyone!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I want to win!

The Fabulous Mrs. Gambizzle over at Life As A Sailor's Girl  is hosting a free blog design giveaway! She has made several lovely buttons for bloggers who didn't already have one, and she is just too cute! So if you haven't already visited her blog, go check her out! I really, really want to win cause I am still stuck with this horrid two column blog which I hate!!!! I really, really want a three column blog with a custom header, button and a a fabulous background and since I can't exactly afford to pay for a custom one at this moment...winning her sweet contest would be a dream come true! So anyway visit Mrs. Gambizzle and enter to win her fabulous contest, and tell her Miss Brittney sent you!! :)

Insomnia...Please Help!

For some reason I haven't been able to sleep much lately. I'm not really stressed out, at least anymore than usual so I'm starting to wonder whats going on with me. Normally I try and go to bed around 12 or 1 am but lately I can't even sleep that early. I lie awake, tossing and turning for hours, and sometimes I'm awake til almost 5 am! I know I have a lot on my mind regarding the move and everything else I need to take care of before it actually happens, but for some reason I can't seem to shut off my brain when its time for bed. So I'm in need of some assistance...What tricks or tips do you have to help me fall asleep? Are there any special rituals that help you relax and fall asleep quickly? I need your help before I start looking like an old hag with bags under my eyes, lol! Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated and at this point I'm willing to try something new! Thanks my lovelies!♥

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Its gonna be a lovely day, I just know it!

This morning my telephone rang and I rolled over to grab the phone. As I answered it I quickly realized it was my husband and I snapped out of my coma! That makes twice this week that I have been able to hear his sweet voice (which is more than usual) so I know I am a very lucky girl! I know today will be a lovely day, cause it always is after I hear from my hubby!♥ 

On another happy note I have a date with my besties, "A" and "B" to go out to dinner tonight. I'm looking forward to it and as always it should be pretty fabulous! I hope you're all having an amazing weekend and enjoying some quality time with your families and friends. Now I'm off to have a delicious tamale for lunch. :) Adios!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Mil Spouse Friday Fill in

Theres a new Mil Spouse meme going on started by "Wife of a Sailor" so I thought I'd go ahead and join in the fun. :) Here goes!

1. How did you and your spouse/significant other meet?
My husband and I actually met at my work almost three years ago. He came in to visit one of my co-workers "A" who was one of his high school friends. As "A" and I became really good friends, we all started hanging out together and my hubby and I just clicked instantly. I didn't want a bf or any type of relationship at the time but I just couldn't help but fall in love with him. He's had my heart since then and the first week we were "officially" dating he informed me that I was the girl he was going to marry. Little did I know six months later we would be engaged! :)
2. What is the best thing about being a MilSpouse?
 I would say the best thing is the pride I feel in knowing my husband is serving our country and also the friendships I have made with other Mil spouses. Having my blog has helped me make so many new and amazing friends, and I love having the support and advice from all my lovely bloggy friends! Another plus would be getting to see my husband in his sexy uniform! ;) woo-hoo!
3. What is the hardest thing about being a MilSpouse?
The hardest thing about being a Mil spouse would obviously be having to be separated for my husband for long amounts of time. Saying goodbye and not knowing when you will see or hear from them again is very heartbreaking and stressful. Also because I am a worry wort I am always worried about something happening to him and constantly worry whether he is safe or not. 
4. What is your favorite dish? Hmmm this is definitely a hard one, but I love Mexican food so I would have to say shredded beef tacos with refried beans and chips and salsa! I also love spaghetti and garlic bread. Mmmmm!
5. If you could change one thing in this world, what would it be?
If I could change one thing about the world it would be the way people treat each other. I believe a little kindness goes a long way and there are so many people who simply do not understand that concept. Its simple: Be nice and treat others the way you want to be treated!  :)

So that is my Friday Fill in...whats yours?♥

Flashback Friday

This photo was taken on Halloween night 2008. Its crazy how fast time flies! I love this photo because it reminds me of how much fun we had that night, getting all dressed up and going to a haunted house with our friends. Not to mention Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I look forward to it all year. :) In case you couldn't tell I was a lady bug and my hubby was a kung fu master.♥ Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Awards Galore Updated

Thank you to all my Lovely Followers who have been giving me awards this week! I am so thrilled that you all were sweet enough to think my blog is special enough for an award! You are too kind! :) Carmen from "We See the Same Stars" has awarded me with the I♥Your Blog Award. Now the rules for this award state you must list 5 things you love and then pass the award on to 5 blogs you love. So here's my list:

  1. I love my husband. He is the reason I get up out of bed everyday and put up with all the crap from the navy, not to mention he's my best friend. :)
  2. I love blogging and all the great friends I have made because of it. Writing my thoughts and feelings on my blog helps me relieve stress and get great advice from some pretty fabulous women, who know exactly what I'm going through. Thanks Ladies! 
  3. I love my family and friends. The Lord has been kind enough to bless me with some amazing people in my life, and I know he put them there for a reason. I wouldn't be able to get through this deployment without his love as well as the love from my family and friends. 
  4. I love vintage (40's-60's are my fave eras). Mostly the clothing, shoes, hairstyles and just the eras in general. Theres just something fabulous about the style and time period.  
  5. I love history. I find it fascinating and could read and learn about it all day! Call me a nerd, but I think its very valuable to know what went on in the past because often times history repeats itself.  
Now I will pass the award onto these lovely bloggers:
Enjoy your awards Ladies and don't forget to pass them on to some of your favorite blogs!  

Jamie over at "Stuck in a World of Blue and Camo"  and Michelle at "Shius Out of Her mind" was sweet enough to award me with the Sugar Doll award

and B over at "Until You Come Home" and Bonnie over at "The Sometimes Single Mom" has been nice enough to award me with the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks so much Jamie, Bonnie, Michelle and B! I am overwhelmed by all the awards and couldn't be happier that my readers are enjoying my blog! :)
I have already received these awards once and passed them along, so I will refrain from doing so again, but I did want to say thank you very much for thinking of me!  :) I hope you're all having a lovely Thursday!♥

My Lovely Thursday Five

Thursday Five
Thank goodness its Thursday! That means theres only one more day until the weekend...yay! There are so many blessings in my life, but I know I can think of five things that have made me Happy,Delighted,Grateful,Totally Stoked or Thankful. So heres my list!
  1. My husband called me bright and early this morning and I actually got to talk to him for 20 minutes! :) I know that doesn't seem like a lot but when your mans deployed, it is a big deal!♥ Hearing his voice seriously made my day a billion times better, I love him so much♥
  2. I am delighted that the sun is shining and its a beautiful day here in sunny southern California!   
  3. I am so grateful to have this little bundle of joy in my life. She is the cutest little thing and I love being her Auntie♥
    4. I am totally stoked that my Mom is throwing me a Bon Voyage party next month. I can't wait to be surrounded by all my family and friends one last time before i leave for Virginia. Thanks Mama! :)
    5. I am thankful to have such a wonderful husband, whom I love with all my heart. I feel so blessed to have found him and am looking forward to a long and happy future together. I am so thankful to the Lord for helping us get through this past year, and to know that not too far off we will be back in each others arms! Woo-hoo!!

So what five things top your list?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why Me? Wednesday

Rambling Military Wife
Why have I missed not ONE, but TWO phone calls from my hubby this week??? Why does he only seem to call when I leave the house and decide to go somewhere??? And good grief, Why doesn't it work when he tries to call my cell phone from the ship??? I feel like a 1950's housewife, trapped at home waiting by the phone, hoping that it will ring, and it never does. Then as soon as I think its safe to go anywhere and theres no chance he'll call, BAM! He decides thats a great time to call,(which has happened twice this week btw!). Ugh! Why didn't I get any sleep last night, leaving me exhausted and zombie like all day??? Why am I so stressed about this upcoming move??? And for crying out Loud Why do I still have so much to do in the next four weeks?Sighhhhh...thats exactly what I'm wondering right now.

Fun in the Sun

Last night had to have been the worst night of sleep ever! Or actually I should rephrase that and say that I didn't really get any sleep. So now I am exhausted and wishing I could spend the day in my bed, wrapped up nice and cozy in my sheets. However, that is not what I am about to do! I have a girls day planned with my two besties and I very much intend to get my skinny butt out of the house and ready for some fun in the sun. We're heading to A's house for a day by the pool, and I'm excited to actually swim (I can't tell you how long its been since I did that) and I am ready to work on my tan. 

I've been laying out a couple days here and there and I am proud to say I no longer look like a ghost. ;) I'm sure my hubby will be happy about that when he gets home, considering how tan he gets. If you haven't noticed what I'm talking about go "Here" to see for yourself. He has some serious oompa loompa tan going on, lol! Anyway my lovelies I'm off for a relaxing day by the pool, and I think its much deserved after my horrid nights sleep. Have a lovely day!♥

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Lovin'

Summer is in full swing and I thought I'd share with you what I'm Lovin' this season. My homecoming dress is set to arrive in the mail tomorrow and I have been searching for the perfect (& inexpensive!) pair of shoes to go with it. 

These shoes are gorgeous and I think they would look fabulous with my sky blue and white dress. What do you think? :) 

Here are a few other items on my summer wish list...This skirt is adorable and looks so comfy. Paired with a cute pair of wedges and this baby would look amazing!♥
Next on my list is this sweet little nautical dress. I'm lovin' the big navy blue bow and the light fabric. This dress is perfect for a summer day or walk along the beach. Hello Sailor! ;)
 These earrings have also caught my fancy!♥
I most certainly have my eye on these perfect black wedges. They are simply lovely. :)
Not to mention this fun and flirty patterned dress. I love the colors & it would go perfect with some cute brown slip on sandals.
I am dying to get this bathing suit! Its so gorgeous and I love the vintage feel to it.♥
And last but definitely not least I am lovin' these earrings as well! I'm a sucker for stripes & I love the little gold heart shaped key hole.
So what do you think of my "Summer Lovin" List? What are you Lovin' this season???