Friday, April 16, 2010


Happy Friday everyone! :) I'm feeling really good today and happy! I'm really looking forward to the weekend and hopefully meeting my new niece! My sis Mel is due on Sunday, and if precious little Bella hasn't graced us with her presence by then she will be induced early next week! So that has kept me pretty busy, I've been trying to be there for Mel just in case anything happens and we have all been waiting impatiently...but the way i figure it is Good things come to those who wait!! :) I know it will definitely be worth it once she makes her grand entrance!! So anyways, today I received my daily devotional and it talked about being happy and thankful for the many blessings God has given us in our lives. Now I know we are all guilty of wanting more, (at least I know I am) and at the end of the devotional it asked, "If you were to write God a letter telling him what you were thankful for, what would it say?" I sat and thought about it for a few minutes and the more I thought the more blessings I realized I have in my life...if i were to write God a letter it would go something like this:

Dear Lord,

You have blessed me so much in my short life! Thank you for all your unending love and kindness! I am thankful for so many blessings, so i thought I'd name a few. :)
  • My loving, giving and hardworking husband Isaiah♥
  • My family, they are crazy sometimes but i love them and the friendships we have!
  • My friends: All of them but more specifically Bethany: My best friend and sister in the Lord. Aiya: Fellow navy wife and one of my good friends. Mel: My big sister and more importantly friend. Also all my bloggy friends for all your kind words and support. Without all of you and the Lord I would not be able to make it through this deployment!
  • My In-laws (i know some of you might think I'm crazy, but they have been really sweet to me and been here for me through all the hard stuff!)
  • Being fortunate enough to have a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food to eat.
  • The Lord helping me get through this deployment and helping me to understand he has many reasons for what goes on in my life. His ways are higher than I can ever comprehend and are multifaceted. He loves me and wants whats best for me!
  • Helping me to learn to trust and have faith in you as well as opening my eyes to opportunities to love the way you do and serve others! :)
  • Knowing my husband is safe and the fact that he has a steady job.
  • My wonderful Nieces Bailey and Kiera, (and soon enough Bella!) They bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart. Spending time with them is what made me want to be a mom someday....(something I never wanted to do before!!!)
  • Having opportunities to better myself and get an education. Also living in the best country in the world (even tho we have our problems! lol)and having the freedom to worship and praise you!
  • Although this deployments been tough I realize it is a good thing for several reasons: 1)it is making Isaiah and I stronger and preparing us for the military life style. 2)It has made me seek God and grow closer to him. 3) It has given me a chance to spend time with my friends and family before we move very far away...(2700 miles to be exact!). 4) It has helped his parents deal with the fact that their son is grown and helped to ease the separation anxiety. 5) It has helped Isaiah mature and grow as a man. 6) The Lord wants us to be happy and set up when we move..this gives us a chance to pay off bills, save for furniture and for the very far move! So all in all...does it suck being seperated for six months? Heck yes! But there are good things that have come out of it. 
  • Being able to be here to help Mel with her new baby and get to know Bella for a few months before we move away! 
    Obviously there are probably a million more blessings in my life and I am thankful for those too, but these were the ones that really stood out to me. So whats my point you ask? The point is, my friend, that it is so easy to focus on the bad things in life (like this deployment and being separated from my hubby) and easy to forget the many blessings we do have. Even though things are hard for me right now God has put people in my life who love me( my hubby,friends and family) and are helping me get through it. So in conclusion....
    Thank you Lord for loving me enough to give me all these amazing blessings!! You are awesome!! :)

    The Navy Wife
    P.S. this picture is really old from when Isaiah and I were first dating! Look at his fro!! lol ;)


  1. I'm so glad to hear that you like your MIL (mother-in-law). That makes life so much better!!!!!

    I have a FREE giveaway on my blog. Come by and check it out if you already haven't? I haven't been able to check all my entries yet.

  2. Thanks Amber!! ya they are really sweet and always checking on :) and i will definitely stop by your blog! :)

  3. So today, me and my over sensitive self, was going to write a post of all the things that tick me off. After a long day at work and yet another failed dress search, I was just... blehhh... But there are so many blessings in life that I should be thankful for. Thanks for reminding me!

  4. Dee,
    Its funny you should say that cause I get like that sometimes too! lol when things aren't going my way its easy to just get mad and say poor me...but when i read that devotional and actually thought about it i could think of so many good things in my life! :) I'm sorry you had a bad day and you couldn't find your dress! :( Thats always frustrating...but hopefully you have better luck this weekend and you can relax and maybe look somewhere else for your perfect dress! i hope your having a great day and dont give up!! :)
