Friday, May 21, 2010

His Plans Are The Best Plans...

"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:3-5

This verse gives me hope...I was doing my daily devotional last night and the topic was none other than dealing with problems in our lives. It talked about how we may want something so badly, that if the Lord did not stop us, we would be heading straight for disaster. Although we may not always see it right away the Lord's ways are the highest and best ways for our lives...he works on many levels and everything he does is intertwined somehow. I have been so STRESSED out about this upcoming move, and all the problems I've been running into that i will admit, my focus has not been on him lately, and that is something I want to change. I have been having a hard time eating and sleeping and my days are filled with my stomach turning in knots of worry about how everything is going to work out. After reading this last night I had a wake up call. I realized maybe the Lord was trying to tell me something, if only I would listen. So I prayed, and asked the Lord to do what is best for me in my life, and that if its meant for me to move to VA before Isaiah gets home, that he would open all the right doors for me to do so. Now I'm not gonna lie, if this doesn't work out, I will be very disappointed and sad...and I prayed about that also. I told the Lord, I am running low on strength and asked for him to help me deal if things don't work out. I think sometimes we need to be gently reminded that he knows whats best for us, so as of now I am leaving this whole moving situation in his hands. :) 

On a lighter note, I woke up this morning to an email from my hubby with none other than my new POWER OF ATTORNEY attached! Needless to say I was a very happy camper and rushed downstairs to print it out. A few minutes later I faxed it to the housing office in Norfolk and then called to ensure they had received it. The lady who works there is so nice and helpful, and we just laughed about all the shenanigans I had been through to get that darn piece of paper! :) Its funny how something that made me cry three days ago, was now making me laugh! Anyways, I'm still not in the clear yet, I have to wait until Monday to speak with the people at Lincoln Military Housing and find out how long the waiting list for housing is. I'm praying its less than two months, but if not we will figure it out somehow...and i know the Lord will work it out however he sees best for us. Happy Friday everyone and I hope you all have a blessed day! 


The Navy Wife 


  1. I'm glad you got the Power of Attorney issue worked out. I couldn't live without mine! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that the housing works out.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks so much!! :) I'm so relieved to finally have that taken care of, and now I can breathe a little easier. Have a great weekend as well! :)


  3. Beautiful verse! I needed to hear it thank you!

  4. No problem Jordan! I needed to hear it as well... :)I'm glad you liked it!


  5. It is crazy how one day we can be crying over issues and the next we can be laughing about all that we have been through! We have been through many moves and many nights laying awake stressed and worried about what to do. But you know what? In the end it all works out and you will get to where you are going safe and sound! :)

  6. I am a new follower and so glad to meet you! Can't wait to learn more!

  7. thanks kaemommy! I am done stressing about it, i figure it will work out how its supposed to work out and if I can't move down there in time, then my skinny little butt will be hopping on a plane and getting a hotel room for a few days so i can see my hubby when he arrives back in VA. So I know it will all be ok. :) and yes, the housing lady and I had a good laugh about it, cause it was just so silly. A stupid typo caused me to have to wait another week before speaking to anyone and getting on a waiting

    Mel: Thanks for following, and if you leave me your blog url in a comment I will check out your blog and follow you also! :) I tried looking on your profile, but your blog link wasn't listed. :(

    Anyway thanks ladies for the love and support! you are all awesome! :)

  8. Glad you got the POA! Hopefully that will make things go a bit easier for you. :)

  9. Yay so glad one of us got our POA problems resolved! My hubby is home now so he went to the bank to give them a piece of his mind (which is very uncharacteristic of him)

  10. Thanks New Girl! I'm hoping things will all work out :)

    And Addicted: i read your post about your poa woes and I couldn't believe how wretched that woman was to you! I'm certainly glad your hubby went and gave her a piece of his mind..good for him! :)

