Thursday, September 2, 2010

Is it Friday yet?

This week has kicked my butt...I am so exhausted I don't even know what to do with myself! As I sit here on my couch procrastinating, I am DREADING the rest of my day. I just want to relax and be a bum today, but that's not gonna happen. I have been searching for a job for the past few weeks and have applied at a few places so far and I have gotten two calls this week for interviews. I had my first "phone interview" yesterday and I have an actual interview today in person. I REALLY, REALLY, don't want to go. I just don't feel like it! I mean, how many times are they going to interview me and ask the same questions?
Don't get me wrong, I am thankful to even get an interview...I just hate the whole process of  applying, interviewing, trying to be perfect etc. etc. before you actually get the job. I am so over it already, and now I realize why I stayed at my last job for three years! Anyway, I'm trying to get out of this bad mood/ funk I'm in today and tell myself it will be worth it once I get one of these two jobs I am interviewing for this week. Say a prayer for me that one of these jobs will pan out! I know that God had control of all things and I am just asking him to put me in a job that will be best for me and my marriage. Those two things are very important to me.

Yesterday I volunteered to work at a job fair for military members who are transitioning back into the Civilian workforce. I'll admit I was dreading it simply because I had to be there at 8 am and I knew I was gonna be woken up at 4:30 am due to my husbands alarm. He was supposed to be off yesterday but they were called back in because they were going to take his ship out due to the hurricane warnings. Since it died down a bit yesterday they called off the underway and sent him back home. So basically we both got up at 4:30 for nothing, thanks Hurricane Earl! I really appreciate it!

I actually had a really great time at the job fair and I even made some new friends! It was so nice to work with people who were happy and friendly, instead of retail which is what I'm used to. I wish I could work a job like that everyday! After I was done working, I came home and had my phone interview about a half hour later. Once that was over with I was exhausted, but we still had to clean, grocery shop, get my husband a hair cut, and come home and make dinner. Needless to say we weren't in bed til around 10:30 and I was so beat, I think I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow!

I am more than ready for a break, and I wish my husband was gonna be here tonight to make me feel better and honestly just to make me laugh. No one knows how to cheer me up the way he does. But of course he has duty today and has to stay overnight and sleep on the ship, so that won't be happening. :( Have I mentioned how much I HATE when my husband has DUTY? Normally it won't be so bad, but with half the ship gone on leave the past few weeks they've only had 3 duty sections which means he's been gone a lot. Seeing as he JUST came home and hasn't been able to take ANY leave yet, this is a bit irritating to me. Between applying for jobs, having multiple interviews, volunteering, Isaiah having duty all the time, and trying to prepare for this stupid hurricane I have had more than enough of this week....Is it Friday yet? 



  1. Take a deep breath!
    I feel for you girly. I'm glad you were able to get the job interviews. Hopefully by this time next week you will be working! :)

    It is very stressful having to deal with all of this hurricane stuff.

    I will be praying for you hun!

  2. Hahah I totally know what you mean!

    Hopefully your weekend is excellent and relaxing.

  3. That all sounds pretty craptastic. But turn that frown upside down. At least he's home sometimes and you are together sometimes. It will all work out soon I'm sure.

  4. Sounds like you've had a rough week, but its almost over!! :) Good luck with the interview and I'll pray for you :)

  5. Oh man, I know your issue with 3-section duty! That's all the time on subs and it SUCKS! But your husband should be getting his stand-down leave soon, right? Then he'll be around a lot (and you'll probably get that job and not see!)

    Good luck with everything and take a few deep breaths!

  6. I can understand your feelings completely about job interviews! Not a big fan either! Keep my fingers crossed for you that you get one! And stay safe with Earl on the way! (P.S. maybe we should all go kick a lil Navy butt and tell them to let the hubby get some leave already! Not that it would work, but I keep hoping that one day it will so I can do it for my sailor!)

  7. I am so proud of you for the job interviews. Hurricanes don't let them stress you out, it's a lifestyle. The weather channel wants to psych you out. Like California and earthquakes many of them are little and occasionally you have a BIG bad one, but not generally. Even though with the crazy activity this hurricane season, I wouldn't doubt a big one coming. Maybe it's because I grew here, but don't let yourself get stressed because of other people and the news freaking out. You will KNOW when you need to worry :)

  8. hang in's almost Friday :)

    Good luck with the job interviews!

  9. Woo! It's Friday now! I'm sorry that your week was crappy. I hate duty too, Mike had to take part of his 96 (meaning today) to work because of the hurricane. So, here I am at home by myself again! Applying for jobs is SO tedious. I've been applying for three weeks and I FINALLY got a job after waiting for so long. I hope the interviews went well!! =)

  10. Hi there! You commented on my Okinawa Mama blog a few days ago. I see you're in CA. We were in Lemoore for 22 months. I wouldn't want to go back. San Diego is a totally different story. It's great, but Twentynine Palms and Lemoore. Yuck!

    I've been married for 12 years to a Navy officer. We PCS off of Okinawa next summer and are headed to the DC of right now. :)

  11. aw... sorry you're having a no good day. (or week!) I feel like being a bum too... but there's too much to do! Good luck with the job hunt!
