Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Even after a rainy day, I have a smile on my face!

 Lets just start by saying today was a looooooooonnnnggggg day! I've been up since 4 am and had to work all day trying to complete my training at the bank. Let me just say that I have NEVER done so much web based training in my ENTIRE life!! Its freezing in the office I'm training in and I'm all by my I like to call it the dungeon! lol! Other than that things are going great! :) I'm so anxious to complete my training and get out there and help people...Hopefully next week I'll be done and I can actually start in my position. 

On another note I hardly slept at all last night and I somehow managed to sleep in a weird position because my neck has been hurting all day!! Grrrrr! Other than that, things are good and I am just enjoying my night, being a bum on the couch in my hubby's pt sweater. I love wearing it when he has duty and I'm missing him. Does that make me a weirdo? lol. I'm so happy to be home snuggling with my fur baby and watching One Tree Hill. :) For now thats all I have to write about but I am super excited for the Fall Favorites Swap going on over at Flip Flops & Combat Boots and I can't wait to start shopping for my partners package! :) Its gonna be so much fun....Are you participating? I hope you've all had a great Wednesday and you have a smile on your face too! :)


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your job is working out! I'll cross my fingers for you, so that the training will be over next week! :)
    I hate it when I sleep funny and can tell when I wake up. Its one of the worst feelings and you can't get rid of the stiffness/aching for a while. Hope it feels better soon!
