Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Navy Ladies Giveaway Winner!!

Thats right...today is the day ladies! I am happy to announce the winner of the "Navy Ladies Giveaway" and the lucky recipient of this gorgeous necklace made by Pumpkin Pie Designs, is Delainey from "Life as I know It." I chose the winner using the random number generator from random.org, so it was completely fair.
I hope you enjoy your lovely necklace Ms. Delainey!! :) Send me an email with your mailing info so I can get it to you as soon as possible!! Thank you to everyone who entered and a special thanks to Kalen from Pumpkin Pie Designs for providing the giveaway prize! 



  1. Congrats, Ms. Delainey! It's a super cute necklace!

  2. AHHH!! YAY!!! I am so excited! I am going to shoot you an e-mail right now!


  3. Oooh I love Delainey! Congrats to her!

  4. YAY!!! Congratulations! I told Brittney in an email that I just couldn't choose because there were so many great responses! I'm very excited to send this out! My husband is in the process of joining the Navy, so it was very nice to hear the positives of being a Navy wife. I am nervous, but so excited for him all in one! So, again, thank you to everyone for sharing the positive sides.

    Also, Brittney, I would love to send you one of those pink pearl bracelets as a thank you for hosting this giveaway! If you will email me your wrist size & address, I will be happy to send that out! :-)

    Thanks ladies! It means a lot!

  5. Woohoo!!! thats exciting Congrats Girl!

  6. I just stumbled across your blog from Soldier's Lady. I'm now your newest follower! I love the Army vs. Navy picture on your blog and I really like your writing style (plus all the pictures)!
