When I started my blog last year, I barely knew what blogging was. I stumbled across some mil spouse blogs and thought, "hey that's a pretty great idea, I could do something like that." At the time I was a brand new military wife and had been thrust into this lifestyle very quickly and painfully. My husband and I had big plans. We both believed once my husband had graduated boot camp and a-school that we would reunite and move to our new duty station asap...
....Which of course would be San Diego since we only lived about two hours away! We would get an amazing apartment near the beach and enjoy the beautiful California sunsets while we hung out with our friends around the bonfire every weekend. We would only be an hour away from my family and two hours away from his, and would still get to see everyone for the holidays. And most importantly we would finally be together and enjoy being newlyweds in love.
If you've been following my blog for awhile now you can obviously see that did not happen for us. Instead my husband deployed right from a-school and didn't return home until August 2010. He had been gone since October 2009! Not only did we get stuck with sea duty but we also got stationed in good old Norfolk Virginia...a whopping 2,700 miles away from all our family and friends. We both had to kiss our dreams of what we thought was the "perfect military life" goodbye and were faced instead with the harsh reality of what the military is really like. We were both very naive and it was a good wake up call for us both.
Those ten months were the hardest of my life, and I honestly believe I wouldn't have made it through deployment number 1 with my sanity in tact (or most of it anyway) without my bloggy loves. You were all there to support me, give me advice, or just leave thoughtful words of encouragement and hope. I have made some great friendships through my blog, even if some are only through emails, fb and of course blogger.
Its always nice to have people who know what you are going through and can be there when you really need a friend. So thank you to all my bloggy loves for sticking by me through the last year, and for your continued support during Deployment number two. I love you all and cherish the friendships we have made! So with that being said, today I am celebrating my One Year Blogaversay!!! I'm not sure if I spelled that right, considering its a made up word...but who cares? ;)
Happy Blogaversary to Me!!!!! ♥ I hope you'll all join me in celebrating this milestone :)
....And now on to other important matters. My Golden Birthday is coming up this month! For those of you who are wondering what a "Golden Birthday" is...Let me explain. A "Golden Birthday" is something crazy my friend Aimee came up with...she says, "your Golden birthday only happens once and its when you turn the same age as the date of your birthday"...Yup This year I will be turning 24 on April 24th...So it has been dubbed my Golden Birthday!
...And 24 just so happens to be my favorite number, so I'm taking this as a sign that I need to make this year GREAT. ♥ Also by some strange coincidence, this year my birthday just so happens to fall on Easter Sunday...
My hubby has been asking me what I want this year, but so far I've got nothing...I asked him if he thought he could send himself home to me in a giant package. That would honestly be the best gift ever.♥...but since I know that hell would freeze over before that happened I guess I'll have to think of something else to ask for. Maybe a huge bouquet of flowers?
Gerber Daisies always put an enormous smile on my face.♥
I guess I could just ask to go shopping for a few summer outfits...I do need to spruce up my closet...it's been ages since I've bought anything new! Anyway, even though my love won't be here to celebrate with me and neither will my family or besties I am determined to have a good time this year. After all your "Golden Birthday" only happens once!
YAY! Happy blogaversary and early golden birthday! Mine was 13- lame. My blogaversary is coming up at the end of the month and I've been reflecting on the last year with our lives. How exciting to document it and find the support you deserve from such a great group of women!
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogaversary&Happy Golden B-day! :-) My golden bday would have been when I was 4 if I calculated that right, darn it! lol
ReplyDeleteYou must do something FABULOUS for your golden birthday! I'm sure that whatever you husband does it'll be close to amazing for you! :D
ReplyDeleteI think we all have these visions of what military life will be like the love stories you see in the movies--but it's much harder!
Aw wootie wooooot! :o) I just turned 24 on March 31st....sooo when I turn the big 3-1,then that shall be my golden birthday. Craaa-zaaay! You are an amazing lady, and I'm glad I just happened to stumble across your blog...whenever that was. :o)
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary!!!!! And I think that flowers or being able to go out to get some summer outfits would be an amazing birthday present for yourself :)
ReplyDeleteI loved commiserating with you on fb!! The military always seems to give wives a rather brutal introduction at some point, and moving far away from you family, friends and ideal circumstances sounds about right. Hang in there, and if all else fails...meet me and Sam on fb for a pity party:)
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogaversary! My Golden Birthday was my 1st birthday--I'm sure my parents thought it was "golden"! That's really cool that it's on Easter. I celebrated my 24th in Norfolk and a friend sang and played "24" by Switchfoot on his guitar for me in the middle if IHOP while some other friends sang along. I hope yours is just as memorable! (And you should at least give that song a listen on your birthday.)
ReplyDeleteI am awarding you with the Stylish Blogger Award! :]
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