Friday, April 22, 2011

Birthday Weekend!

 That's right my lovelies...I'm gettin' old! This Easter
Sunday I will be the big 2-4! I can't believe it. And oddly enough my birthday has never fallen on Easter before, (at least that I can remember) so this year will definitely be a new experience. I managed to find two perfect dresses for this to wear out to dinner with my va beach besties and another to wear to Easter dinner on Sunday. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow and enjoy two GLORIOUS days off of work!!! Eeeeekkkk!

I promise I'll be back to blogging by Monday and I will have lots of pictures for All Dressed Up next week. I missed it this week because of craziness at work, but it's one of my favorite posts each week and I love trying to be creative and find new outfits to wear. Mixing and matching things that you already have can really make you see your wardrobe in a whole new way! I also have been finding some great deals lately (like my $6.50 dress! you can see here) so being thrifty is always a plus! ♥

Anyway, today was a pretty good day at work. Everyone brought in food for my birthday and we had a delicious potluck! :) My favorite thing was probably the cookie dough brownies that my co-worker made...these brownies are amazing! I also got a Michael Buble cd that I'd been wanting for awhile and I really felt like everyone tried to make me feel special and loved today! ♥ 
...And check out these smokin hot pics of Mr. Buble...if I wasn't a married woman he would be in trouble! ;)
He is seriously dreamy! And that just makes me weak in the knees...♥ Ok, now that I'm done drooling...(Can you tell my husband is deployed?)

I also got a care package from my Mother in Law (or as I refer to her as my MIL) and it was so sweet and thoughtful of her. I got some nail polish...which I am addicted too btw, and she happened to pick 3 colors that I absolutely love...I also got some shopping money and some Easter goodies too! Thank you Ny, I adore everything you sent me! :) 

I'm super excited to have the next two days off work and be able to celebrate my  birthday with good friends. Tomorrow Sarah and I are going to see "Water For Elephants" and we're gonna go out to dinner.♥ It should be a great time and I'm dying to finally see this film...
I Hope you all have a Happy Easter weekend and enjoy the time with your family and friends...don't forget why we're celebrating...Jesus loved us so much that he paid for our sins with his own life and then rose again. That's a pretty amazing love if you ask me.♥
Happy Friday my loves! :)



  1. I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend and a happy Easter! :]

  2. Happy Early Birthday!! Hope you have a good day and enjoy the movie <3

  3. Happy Easter and "golden" birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday! You'll love "Water for Elephants"...I saw it last night! :)

  5. Hope you had a great birthday!
