Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why Me? Wednesday

Rambling Military Wife
Why have I missed not ONE, but TWO phone calls from my hubby this week??? Why does he only seem to call when I leave the house and decide to go somewhere??? And good grief, Why doesn't it work when he tries to call my cell phone from the ship??? I feel like a 1950's housewife, trapped at home waiting by the phone, hoping that it will ring, and it never does. Then as soon as I think its safe to go anywhere and theres no chance he'll call, BAM! He decides thats a great time to call,(which has happened twice this week btw!). Ugh! Why didn't I get any sleep last night, leaving me exhausted and zombie like all day??? Why am I so stressed about this upcoming move??? And for crying out Loud Why do I still have so much to do in the next four weeks?Sighhhhh...thats exactly what I'm wondering right now.


  1. Urgh thats so frustrating, I hope you get another phone call soon!

  2. I hate that! I mean, don't we live and breathe for our cell phones to be by our hips at all times? I mean, I basically make out with mine when I'm laying in bed at night. But....there's always that time that you just get up to do something because you know that the phone won't ring...and then it does! BLECK!!!!

    Sorry:( Sending hugs!

  3. Aw =[ I'm sorry you missed the call. This just means that the third call is going to be amazing!

  4. By the way, I got my gift! LOVE it! Great colors you picked and I am excited to give myself a mani/pedi this weekend. I'll post pictures!

  5. worst feeling EVER! New follower & I left you something on my blog!

  6. I'm sorry you missed the call. Hope i can make your day alittle better. you have an award on my blog!

  7. I hate when I'm expecting a call and then I go do something and the phone rings. Sometimes I get so confused watching reruns of Three's Company when they sit by the phone or are looking for someone...I'm thinkin' "Where's your cell phone"...and then I'm like, "Oh yeah, it was 1982!"

  8. hello! warm greeting ^^!
    you have a nice blog 0_0

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    best regards;

  9. You've got something waiting for you at my blog ;-)
