Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ohh Sugar Sugar!

Thanks to Kelsey C over at "Far From Safe Harbor" I have been awarded the "Sugar Doll" award! :) The rules state you must share ten things about yourself and then pass the award on to a few lovely bloggers! So here goes:
  1. My husband and I are coming up on our 1 year wedding anniversary and I am happy to say we are more in love than ever! He is my everything, and the best thing in my life. :)
  2.  My favorite season is autumn when the leaves are falling and the air is cool. Theres just something about it that I love!♥
  3. I currently don't have any pets, but I want to get a dog REALLY  bad when my hubby comes home and we are all settled in.
  4. My favorite thing to eat is Mexican food. I could eat it all day, everyday! Right now i am on a huge guacamole kick. ;)
  5. Reading makes me happy! Some of my favorite books are Pride & Prejudice, Jane Eyre and Persuasion. 
  6. The beach is my favorite place to be. The sun, sand and waves make for beautiful scenery and I love the feeling of laying out on the beach during a nice summer day. This is probably when I feel the most peaceful.
  7. I am the 2nd oldest of four girls, so technically I'm still a middle child. As my sisters and I have grown up we've realized that we're not only family, but friends.♥
  8. Zooey Deschanel is my favorite actress. I love her quirky sense of humor in all the roles she plays, not to mention her fabulous retro style! She's definitely one of my fashion icons.
  9. Almost my entire family is made up of women! There are seriously hardly any guys in my family...everyone has girls! I have 3 nieces: Bailey, Keira and Bella, and 0 nephews! I wonder if I'll be the one to finally have a boy? ;)
  10. I'm moving to Virginia in 4 weeks and I am terrified! I'm excited for the change in scenery & moving on to the next chapter in our lives, but I'm not so thrilled about the 2700 mile drive I have to do. :( Hopefully it won't be too bad!  
Now I must pass along this lovely award so here goes:
Jordan at "Southern Hospitality"
Reina at "Semper Gumby" 
Kayla Sue at "In Every Good Love Letter There's a Soldier & His Girl"   
Mel at "Head in the Game, Heart in the Sand"
Mrs. Wifey at "Musings of an Army Wife"

I hope you all enjoy your awards and have fun passing them out to some of your favorite blogs! Have a wonderful day! 


  1. Oh! Thank you! I was just given this award this morning from K at Beautiful Mess too, so check out my blog for my 10 things!

  2. aw! Thanks for the award!!

    I had to tell you how much in common I have with your list!

    Autumn is my favorite too! I love how crisp the air gets, and pumpkin frappuccinos? Delicious!!

    Mexican is the BEST!

    and my family is mostly made up of guys! I only have one girl cousin:) too funny!
