Saturday, January 15, 2011

So Happy Its Saturday and Black Swan

Thank Goodness this week is finally over! I am so exhausted but I am looking forward to having a girls weekend with my friend Sarah and her pup Lexie. :) 

So now I'm off to clean my filthy house, and get ready for our girls weekend. We are heading to the theater to see "Black Swan" and I couldn't be more excited! I have been dying to see it, so I hope its good! :)
 Also, check out these pics of Natalie Portman, my current girl crush and star of "Black Swan." 

This woman is gorgeous and needless to say I heart her. ♥

I hope everyone is having a happy Saturday and enjoying the three day weekend! ♥ 

Until Next time...



  1. Oh man! That was such a great movie!
    You'll love it! Definitely not one to disappoint!

  2. Yayyayyay!!!!We're going to have sooo much fun!

  3. I tagged you in my latest blog post! :)

  4. GREAT movie! And I also have a girl-crush on her! Hello, she can dance like a star, act her butt off, make me believe basically ANYTHING, and she raps. Haven't seen it, look here:
    (it's graphic and LOTS of swearing, but very funny if you can stomach it!)
    Oh, and she has a Harvard degree. She's incredible! Love her!
