Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tiger Cruise???

So i got an email from my hubby today (which is miraculous, cause he never has time to email anymore!) and I was ecstatic. Hubby informed me that right before his ship comes home they are doing a "tiger cruise" where family and friends can stay on the ship over night and see what life on the ship is like. I was doing some research online and saw alot of sites mentioning that spouses or girlfriends were not allowed to go, but children or parents were. How is this fair? I mean I know they don't want the husbands and wives to be getting "freaky" on the ships, and thats totally understandable, but it just doesn't seem fair to leave the spouses or gfs out!!! What the heck man, after all we do to support our men? I mean don't get me wrong, parents show support too, but as a mil spouse we have to deal with so much more and still support our hubbys!! We have to accept and handle all the moving, separation, worries and take care of everything at home, and we don't deserve to be included? I'm extremely pissed  off about this whole damn thing, and quite frankly I wish my hubby had never even mentioned it!! I guess he wasn't correctly informed cause he told me about the whole thing and asked me if I wanted to go... so I got my hopes up and I was really excited, only to find out that because I'm his SPOUSE (OHHHH NOOOOO!!) that I am EXCLUDED from this event! If I find out otherwise I will be highly surprised, but at this point the navy has disappointed me so many times....I'm not even gonna hold my breath. I'm in a bad mood. :<


The Navy Wife


  1. On submarines no women are aloud to go. period. So if I had happened to have a daughter not a son, my child wouldn't be able to go.

    I don't get it. But they must ahve a reason for it.....somewhere.

  2. I'm sorry :(

    That's crazy that spouses and girlfriends aren't allowed to go. That really IS unfair!

  3. Wow that really sucks... Sorry:(

  4. Thanks ladies! I was so excited and im sure my hubby didnt really know the rules or he wouldn't have invited me. it just seems a bit unfair after all we do and sacrifice to support our men...its just like wtf? How is that fair? anyways I guess I should just look on the bright side and know that I will have two more days to prepare for his homecoming. :) thanks for the love and sweet comments! you guys rock! :)


  5. I think it's crappy how the Tiger Cruises are done. (I assume your hubby is on a Carrier).

    My husband was telling me about the tiger cruise that his ship would do and I had to inform him that I would not be allowed on. He got extremely pissed when he found out I wouldn't be able to go.

    I have a friend who's husband got special permission to fly home for the weekend of the Tiger Cruise for his ship. I don't know how he pulled it off.. well, he hasn't pulled it off yet because the tiger cruise has yet to happen.

    I think they are worried about the sailor's and their SO's messing around. That's the only reason I could think of.

  6. i completely agree with you Christina! They way they do it is pretty silly if you ask me, but i'm sure you are right...i know they don't want any "funny business" (Lol) going down on the ship. so its pretty crappy but I'll just means I'll have to wait two more days to see him, but thats not a biggie. :)


  7. Im pissed off because instead of my moment of meeting my husband off the boat now i have to meet him and his ANNOYING little brother. we just had a son and he was 5 months when hubby left for deployment. Since he will be almost a year when he gets back its kind of a big deal and now its wrecked. I understand that he wants to see his big brother in action and all but DAMNIT I WANT MY FAMILY BACK.
