Monday, May 17, 2010

My Heart is Filled With You

A call from my Hubby is always exactly what I need to make me feel better on a rough day. I just want to say I love my husband so much and am the Luckiest woman in the world to have such a great guy! :) He always knows how to calm me down when I'm having a moment of "temporary insanity"...Lol. Sorry for all the ranting today, and I promise I'm gonna try and put my best foot forward and  have a more positive out look on things! Also thank you to my lovely friends Aimee and Bryan who stopped by today to cheer me up...I love you guys so much! :) They even brought me some delicious home made cookies...I feel LOVED!♥ Anyway heres a song that reminds me of my hubbs...this is for you baby! Muah!!


The Navy Wife


  1. Aww yay I am glad you feel better! and that you had some good friends and cookies to cheer you up.


  2. thanks girl! i needed it! lol :)

  3. I'm the same way as you! Having him talk to me always seems to soothe me and help me to think more "rationally".
    Glad you were able to get a little cheering up in. I know it's stressful right now with the POA stuff but it's all a learning experience :) Good luck hun!

  4. Thanks girl! you are so right!! And the fact that my hubby is a yeoman and works in admin. definitely helps...the person who wrote the poa messed up the date. it was just a typo, but it was enough to send me over the edge! these last few days have been really hard and stressful for me, and it was just the last! But hubby assured me that he would have a new one done by tomorrow and email it to me, so im hoping i can get the housing stuff going tomorrow. :) thanks for the encouragement and kind words. it really helps! sometimes i feel like no one even reads my blog, so its nice to know someone out there is listening! Lol :)


  5. Hey there, new follower here! Just thought I would stop by your blog. Phone calls during deployments are the best. They always make your day a little brighter, even when it's completely the opposite! Hope you get to hear from him again really soon! If you have some time, please check out my blog, and I can't wait to get to know you better! =)

  6. Thanks Carmen! It really did cheer me up. I'm getting ready to do a cross country move by myself and its really stressful for me sometimes, but I'm praying we can get everything figured out and that it will all fall into place.thank you for following my blog, I am now a follower of your blog too! :) I'm looking forward to reading more and getting to know you better! :) take care!


  7. My husband always seem to call just when I need it too. I'm so glad you had a chance to talk to your husband. Keep smiling!

  8. Thanks Wife on the Roller Coaster! Our men do always have a way of cheering us up and I am so thankful for that! :) I'm still stressed but I'm leaving it in the Lord's hands to all get worked out. Stressing myself to death is doing me no good, so I'm trying really hard to be more positive! :) Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, it cheers me up when other wives tell me stuff like that, it makes me not feel like i'm the only one going through all this stuff. :)

