Friday, May 7, 2010

Mil Spouse Appreciation Day!

So as most of you already know today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day...I know to most people it might not be a big deal, but to me it means A LOT. As a military wife there are so many hardships we endure as the wife of a service member. It's a hard and often times very lonely road we are traveling, but somehow all the brave and loving Mil spouses just keep going! I can't even put into words what I have been through personally in the last year in dealing with the military, but I can say that having other military wives who offer kind and encouraging words has helped me TREMENDOUSLY!! So I would like to use this post as a way to say thank you to all the Mil Spouses out there who work so hard to stand by their men and stay strong! You are truly an inspiration and I am proud to say I am also one of those women. We stay here and wait patiently for our HEROES to come home to us once more and as Mil Spouses we also SERVE!! We are the definition of a strong woman and I believe wholeheartedly that God has chosen us to be Military Wives because he knows its not a job for just anyone! He chose us because we are SPECIAL!!! So THANK YOU my dearest Mil Spouses for all your many sacrifices and dedication!! YOU ROCK!


The Navy Wife


  1. Happy Day to You!!! You're a rock star!

  2. Thanks girl!! So are you!! :) Happy Mil spouse appreciation Day!!


    the navy wife

  3. Happy MSA Day to you!! And thank you for all you do for your man!

    Just following you back from my blog :)

    PS I like the red floral apron better but that's my style

  4. Thanks Girl!! and also I agree with ya on the apron...Im loving the red one! i think im gonna go with that one!! :) happy mil spouse day!


    the navy wife

  5. Hey there! I saw that you came by my blog thought would stop by yours and say Hi! That's so cool you are about to move here! I love it, I'm from Texas so it's way different for me too, but so far it's been great we live just a couple blocks from the beach and so we spend a lot of time downtown. There are tons of young people here so we've had a pretty easy time making friends.

  6. Hi there...found you the milspouse blogspot. Just figured I"d let you know why I'm following you lol

  7. Hey stacey...whats the url for your blog? I wanna follow yours too, but when I clicked on your name it didnt display your blog anywhere...hmmm. maybe im just being retarded! Lol! anyways if you could let me know I'd gladly follow your blog too!! thanks girl!!


    the navy wife
