Monday, December 9, 2013

Love/Do Not Love (Christmas Edition)

Today I'm sharing my Love/Do not love list {Christmas Edition} and linking up over at Chambanachik. 

Here's my list.

-This little guy. I am so excited to experience Bubby's first christmas with him and make it truly wonderful. 

-Our Christmas tree. To me the tree is so much more than a place to put presents on Christmas morning. It's a tradition and there is something so beautiful about it. As a child I used to bring my favorite stuffed animals and lay under our tree, mesmerized by all the twinkly lights and pretty ornaments. These days I love seeing the wonder on my son's face when he stares at our tree. ♥
-Decorating our house. This year is the first time we have an actual house, not a tiny 600 square foot apartment. That means lights, tiny christmas trees and candy canes out front. It was a fun thing for our family to do together and something I will look forward to every year. :) 
-Holiday flavored coffee creamer. Peppermint mocha has to be my favorite flavor, and in the early mornings after waking up several times a night with my son, coffee is a gift from God! 

-Visiting Santa. Since it's Bubby's first Christmas of course I was looking forward to this. He was a little scared to sit on Santa's lap all by himself so Dad had to hold him and just stand next to Santa. Luckily we still got a big smile from him and have a cute picture as a keepsake. 
-The holiday spirit. Not everyone, but most people are a little bit kinder this time of year and that just warms my heart. A little kindness can go a long way! 

-Online shopping. Living far away from my family means online shopping is a lifesaver. This year I started my shopping in beginning of November so I could make sure to get everything delivered on time. I also got lots of deals including free shipping. Although it's not as fun as picking out gifts in person and wrapping them it still makes me happy to be able to get my family a few things. 

-Christmas movies. I love watching Christmas movies this time of year. Some of my favorites are It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street (the original), Holiday Inn, Home Alone, The Grinch, The Holiday, and The Family Stone. 

Do Not Love:
-Being far away from my family. I don't like this any time of year but Christmas is when it makes my heart hurt the most. I wish there was a way we could afford to spend Christmas together, but moving and readjusting all our bills just made it impossible this year. 

-This incredibly warm Florida weather. It has been in the 80's this past week and I absolutely hate it. One thing I loved about winter in VA was that it was actually cold and sometimes snowed. I am definitely missing that this year. 

-Not knowing anyone. This may make me seem like a loser, but oh well. I have not made a single friend here in Florida. Not a one. Since I'm currently a sahm its been pretty difficult to meet anyone. We don't live on base and for some reason all our neighbors are older and retired. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't lonely and wishing for a little companionship other than my husband and son. 

-Stressing about money. When you live on one income its always a challenge to try and stay on budget but this can be especially hard during the holidays. Between the holiday meals, buying gifts, decorations and just doing family things together it can all add up. I wish there was a way to make it a little less expensive! 

Well that's my list! What are you loving/not loving this holiday season? 
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