Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's been so long!

I have been on a blogging hiatus for the last few weeks, so sorry to all my faithful readers! I am so excited that December is finally here, and even though I know my hunny and I won't be able to spend Christmas day together I'm still gonna try my best to get in the Christmas spirit this season. I'm so excited because today we're going to get our Christmas tree and some decorations, so that should be fun!! :] I can't wait to decorate it with my hubby and make it look pretty! :)

I have been super busy with work and I am feeling alot more comfortable now in my new job. I've been doing really well at the bank and have already received an award for my hard work! :) Its so nice to work for a company that recognizes its employees for working hard.

Other than being extremely busy with work, not much has been going on around here, and mostly I've just been trying to enjoy this time with my husband before his underways start up again. I know once January rolls around I'm gonna be feeling down in the dumps about this upcoming deployment. It still hasn't really registered in my brain, and part of me keeps hoping that somehow things will change and he won't have to go again so soon, but I know thats highly unlikely. Oh well, a girl can dream right? 

Now I'm off to run some errands and get things done! So until next time, I hope you're all having a lovely holiday season! :)



  1. I thought that was your tree and your house and I was about to say, "I know where I will be for Christmas this year!!!" Once you get up some decorations your won't be able to help yourself!

  2. Your tree is beautiful. Hope you have a great December!

  3. I am your newest follower!! Congrats on your job award! That is awesome and definitely something to be proud of!

  4. Have fun decorating, it's one of my favorite parts of Christmas! And congrats on your work award, it's always so nice to be recognized for your hard work!

  5. You will have to post pics of your tree once you get it up! I love seeing trees all decorated! I will be getting to Norfolk a week before Christmas, so I'm pretty sure I won't be decorating. :( Oh year!

  6. Also...I forgot to tell you I gave you a little shout out in an interview I did the other day! :)
