Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Adventures In D-Land!

Hey everyone...sorry its been a couple days since I've written. Yesterday my besty and I went to the happiest place on earth for my early b-day celebration! :) It was an awesome day and we got to go on all the good rides (including space mountain twice!) and we even saw the Michael Jackson 3D tribute of Captain E-O. It was pretty cool and I actually remember seeing it there as a little girl...although back then it scared the crap outta me!! Lol! We took a lot of great pictures and i thought I'd share some of them with you all! :) Hope you like them! 


The Navy Wife


  1. haha! me too! it was just what i needed to cheer myself up! we had a blast!! :)

  2. I AM SO JEALOUS!! It looks like you had a blast, the perfect remedy to for your blues. I am sad though that they got rid of their military salute program. Military and family can no longer get free/heavily discounted tickets. =[

    I am glad you had a fun filled day!

  3. Thanks Ladies! It was pretty awesome..im so sad my annual pass is expiring this month! :(
