Thursday, April 29, 2010

Skype How I Love Thee...

So let me just start off by saying today was a much better day! I'm exhausted cause my Hubby was calling me on and off throughout the night, but I was so happy just to hear his voice! :) Although I was pooped from the day before I didn't care cause we NEVER get to talk this much during this was awesome! We even had a skype date and were able to chat and see each others faces!!! :) Its crazy how much you can miss simply seeing the face of the person you love. Whoever invented skype and set it up to be free needs to win a Noble prize or something!! has been a lifesaver for us and a much needed tool of communication during this deployment!!!! Its way better than phone cards which cost a butt load of money and last for like ten seconds!!  So thank you skype!!! I love you!!! ;) Well thats all I have to say really, so I hope you all are having as great a day as I am and as always god Bless!!


The Navy Wife

P.S. Here is one of my favorite pics from our wedding!! :D

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just One of Those Days!!!! :(

Lets just say today is one of those days!! I wanna strangle someone!!! It started with a 4 am phone call from my hubby, after not hearing from him for a few days. At this point I was getting worried and anxious to hear from him. After he called me I was so excited I couldn't go back to sleep. We planned to talk again around 10am and once he called all we did was fight the whole time...and about stupid stuff mostly. Some stuff was important, at least to me anyways. Sometimes I don't understand how God expects men and women to get along when it seems like most the time were speaking two different languages! :( It makes me sad to be on two completely different pages when it comes to where our lives are headed. I am so frustrated and at a loss for words. There are some things MEN JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! Don't get me wrong, I love my hubby more than anything but sometimes its just so hard, not to mention throwing in the military to the mix. I just wish I wasn't so impatient and that I could continue being positive...its just so hard, especially when you see other people so happy and seeming to get everything they want. I guess I'm just not that lucky...Well thats the end of my complaining for now...I just don't know what else to say. I haven't been this sad in along time.


The Navy Wife

P.S. At least theres only 12 Wednesdays until I move and only 15 Wednesdays until my Hubby comes home.

Birthday Wishes and Dreams Becoming Reality

So I know its been awhile since I actually wrote a blog but I've been a very busy girl! My birthday was this past Saturday and I got to spend it with my besties and go out to Olive Garden for dinner! Then it was down to Oceanside Harbor on Sunday for a lovely day at the beach and some popcorn chicken and fish and chips. :) It was divine...I love going to the beach and I cant wait to move down to Virginia Beach and be able to go all the time!!! I will admit I did have my moments when I was feeling really lonely and missing my hubby terribly, but all in all it was a good birthday. :)  And while I'm on the subject of Virginia, it seems that everything is coming together for our move!! My hubby finally agreed to let my in-laws help me drive out there, seeing as I have to do the move before he comes home from deployment. This is very good news for us and I'm getting so excited that its coming up so soon. We should be leaving for Va in the end of July!! I know its still awhile away but I have a feeling that the time is going to fly by. I have to say I'm gonna be very happy to get it over with and be so close to my hubby coming home, but its also gonna be very bittersweet. I'm going to miss my family and friends here in California so much, but I know I will be very happy to finally be with my hubby and actually get to live together!! Lol..its gonna be AMAZING!! :)
I am so thankful to the Lord for blessing us so much and putting such wonderful people in our lives!!! I feel like he has many good things in store for us and our future!! :) Anyways here are some pics from my birthday adventures in Oceanside. Enjoy and God Bless!!


The Navy Wife

Monday, April 26, 2010

My First Blog Award!! :D

Thank you to Laura at Diamonds and Dogtags for my first blogger award: The Circle of Friends Award!! :) It was so sweet of you!! So here are the rules of the Award:

1) Post it on your page

2) List five things you looooove to do

3) Pick five friendly bloggers and pass it on!

My Five Things I Love To Do Are:

1) Spending time with my matter what we're doing I'm happy as long as were together! I love him soooo much and am missing him everyday he is gone! Whether we're watching a movie at home in our pjs, hanging out with friends, or going out on a date night we always manage to have a good time :)

2) Going to the beach..theres just something about it that makes me feel free. It always shows me the beauty there is here on this earth. There is nothing better than laying on the sand on a warm day and soaking up the sun! :)

3) Shopping!!! For clothes, shoes, books, cds, makeup, name it I love to buy it!! Haha!! But mostly for clothes, I love Fashion! I worked as a manager at a clothing store for three years and lets just say my addiction to clothes started there! I like trying out new styles but mostly I love retro or vintage inspired looks...polka dots, patterns, and did I mention dresses?!? I absolutely adore wearing dresses and have quite a collection in my closet! Its my guilty pleasure! :)

4)Watching my favorite tv shows...this is something i never had time for when I was working full time and my husband was still at home. Now that I'm only working part time, I actually have time to indulge in these crazy drama filled shows!! lol!! My favorites are Vampire Diaries (those are some sexy vampires! Damon is my fave...), One Tree Hill (Still love it even tho Peyton and Lucas mysteriously left the show with no goodbye!), Law and Order SVU (Benson and Stabler kick some serious criminal ass!!), Days of Our Lives (I know, totally corny right? Don't judge me!!!), and the new 90210 and Melrose Place (probably only cause I used to watch them as a kid when my mom wasn't looking!! haha!) and last but definitely not least The Office (Cause Steve Carrell is effin hilarious and so is everyone on the show!) so those are a few of my fave shows! :)

5)Hang out with my friends and family...I love being surrounded by the people I love. It brings me much happiness and helps to pass the time while my husband is away. I especially love being around my nieces...they are so sweet and innocent. I love them more than words can say! :) 

Now here are the 5 bloggers I am passing this award on to:

2)Amber at Good night Moon
3)Anastasia at Our Little Journey

Friday, April 23, 2010

After Waiting So Long She is Finally Here!

So today around 1pm my niece Bella Marie came into this world and she is already making a splash! Our precious little angel made us wait 2 and a half weeks before she finally graced us with her presence, but the wait was definitely worth it!! Mel was induced around 5:30 AM but was still progressing slowly and by 12:30 was only dilated to a 3 & 1/2 centimeters. So the doc, (who was very funny btw) came in and broke her water and within half an hour when the nurses checked her she was already dilated to 8 centimeters!!(and all without an epidural mind you!) Then there was a bit of a scare and we were all worried sick. The nurse yelled for the doctor saying something about the cord. We were rushed out of the room and not informed of what was going on. After waiting about half an hour or so the nurses came and told us that the babies cord was coming out of the cervix before the baby and my poor big sis had to be rushed to surgery for an emergency c-section! I feel so bad for her, I know this wasn't how she wanted things to turn out. We were terrified but the nurses quickly assured us that the baby and my sis were fine and in recovery. This was such a blessing from God and I am so thankful they are both ok! Not to mention she is the most adorable little are a few pics! Needless to say i am very happy to be an Auntie again and I cant wait til i have my own lil rugrats someday! :) Isn't Bella Marie beautiful!?!♥


The Navy Wife

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Very Thought of You♥

So today has been a much better day and I have come to the conclusion that I am not going to let any of this Navy B.S. get to me. I have decided that I will find a way to get my skinny little butt out to Virginia in August, even if it kills me!!!! And I'm serious, I mean business people!!! Any who I'm trying to come up with a plan and I was talking with my MIL today and she suggested that she and my Fil go to Va with me so they can help me move and get settled in. This seems like a good plan to me but for some reason my hubby doesn't want them to help us. The way i figure it is sometimes in life we need help and there really isn't a much better alternative for us. Anyways I'll leave those worries to the Lord and know he will help me figure out what to do! On a lighter note it is Wednesday and that means only roughly 18 Wednesdays left until my hubby comes home!! Woo-hoo!! :) Anyways I will close with a song from Lady Day and I would like to dedicate it to my hubby! I have loved this song probably since I was ten years old and have never stopped loving it...(oh forever young!) I love you baby!♥ 


The Navy Wife 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Goodbye Sanity Hello Straight Jacket!

So first of all let me say that I think I have been handling this deployment pretty well, but there comes a point when enough is enough people!!!! Theres only so much a woman can take before going completely bonkers and ending up in a straight jacket and a padded cell!!!! I am exasperated and I am so overwhelmed...I got a call from my hubby tonight and of course I was really excited. He had e-mailed me saying he was going to call because he had some news. And of course I was thinking, "Oh it must be good news, otherwise he would have warned me in the e-mail..." WRONG! It was definitely BAD NEWS!!!! And its so frustrating cause he always asks me, "Do you want the good news first, or the bad news?" And of course I say bad news every time because I've learned with my husband that when he asks this question, there really is no "Good News," as he refers to it. So I just ask for the bad news just to get it over with...kinda like ripping a band aid off...! ouch!! And your thinking, "Do it fast and maybe it won't hurt as much," but it still HURTS! :( So he informed me that they want him to take a legal class once he gets home from deployment and that it would delay him taking his leave, which means it would delay us moving out there even longer. Which for me is not good news considering I've already found a school I wanna transfer to and if we waited to move I would miss registration. Not to mention we would be separated for ANOTHER MONTH AND A HALF!!!! Goof grief Navy what do you expect from me?!? I'm giving all I've got but i just don't have anything left to give!!! :( Every time I feel like I start to make a little bit of progress with dealing with all this crap (that is completely beyond what I am capable of dealing with by the way) something else happens! I'm told I have to wait longer, or whatever b.s. it happens to be at the time! I'm a newlywed damn it and I have spent half a year away from my husband already! By the time he comes home it will have been over a year apart and we will have missed out on every holiday and both our birthdays, not to mention our one year wedding anniversary!!! And all because they want him to take a stupid frickin legal class when he comes home from his deployment!!! Knock Knock!!! Hello Navy....Anybody home?!?!!!! Our Sailors have families and wives too damn it!!!! And we deserve to be together as much as possible when they are home for that small precious amount of time! Ugghhhh I know I'm ranting but I feel I'm entitled to a good rant every now and then! :< I don't want to be separated for another month if we don't have to be! And thanks alot also for giving my husband a bunch of shots and turning him into a jerk while you were at it! Now we are fighting because of this and he wants me to wait to move until mid September which would ruin any chance I'd have of enrolling in school and finishing the three classes I will need to transfer to a university. Its like, "Hello!!! I need to have a career too...and I would like to have babies some time before I'm 30 and thats not gonna happen before I get my degree (according to my husband...) So what the heck am I supposed to do??? The next time anyone sees me I might end up in a straight jacket because of all this bull s*** and stress!!!! This effing sucks!!!!!!!!!! :'( And I might just have to kill someone!!!


The Navy Wife


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Adventures In D-Land!

Hey everyone...sorry its been a couple days since I've written. Yesterday my besty and I went to the happiest place on earth for my early b-day celebration! :) It was an awesome day and we got to go on all the good rides (including space mountain twice!) and we even saw the Michael Jackson 3D tribute of Captain E-O. It was pretty cool and I actually remember seeing it there as a little girl...although back then it scared the crap outta me!! Lol! We took a lot of great pictures and i thought I'd share some of them with you all! :) Hope you like them! 


The Navy Wife

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lovely Sunday Afternoon

Hey as you all know I was in a bit of a funk yesterday and kinda feeling sad and lonely for no reason. I don't know why but since my husband got deployed its been so much harder for me to be alone. I will be completely fine all day as long as I'm around someone...(my sis,friends, family etc.) and as soon as I'm alone again its like I'm a heaping mess! Which, maybe some of you are thinking, "Well DUH!!" but for me this is not normal! Being alone has never bothered me and in the past I often enjoyed doing many things by myself....curling up with a good book, watching a favorite movie, listening to some of my favorite songs or watching some One Tree Hill (yes, I admit it...I love One Tree Hill!!) so I can't really figure out how to understand why I'm feeling this way. Of course I am lonely and missing my hubby, thats a given, but lately it just seems like more than that. Honestly I think the hardest part of going through this deployment is the mental battle I have with myself each day, inside my head. I know I need to be stronger, I know I need to have thicker skin and most importantly I know I need to leave my worries and troubles for the Lord to take care of. I know I need to trust him to bring Isaiah home safely, and last night as I prayed before I went to bed I felt a peace in my heart and a quiet, calm stillness. I could feel the Lord taking my worries and it was almost as if he was saying, "Brittney you can trust me, I love you and I know whats best for you." I know that might sound corny to some people but to me it made me feel better and I went to sleep at ease. Although I am still sad and missing my hubby I know everything will be ok. And I am so thankful to all the people in my life, who are helping me get through all this with their kind words and encouragement. So I'm sorry to all my friends and loved ones who read my blog and listen to me complain all the are appreciated! Trust me...your advice and friendships mean more to me than you could ever know. And to my Mom who is the strongest woman i know, thank you for raising me to be strong as well. I know that many of the things I've been through in my life have helped prepare me for this and have helped make me a fighter, someone who doesn't give up...even when things are hard. So thank you Mom. I know we have our differences and don't always agree on everything but I hope you know how much I love you. Well I think thats all for now..I just wanted to share what was on my mind. I hope you all had a lovely Sunday afternoon! Thanks for listening and as always, God Bless. :)


The Navy Wife



Thats how I felt all day. Didn't really do much, just stayed home and relaxed by myself. It was an ok day. I haven't been home very much since the baby craze started...(when my sis's doctor told her she would have the baby two weeks ago...and lo and behold there is still no baby! Thanks for nothin Doc!!!). I know its frustrating for everyone in our family but mostly I feel bad for Mel cause everyone keeps badgering her and telling her to have the baby already...which is pretty annoying. But shes mellow so even though its irritating she still manages to be nice about it. Anyways...I stayed home today cause I've been at her house everyday for the last two weeks just waiting for the time to come when she needs my help, and this kid is pretty stubborn so far. Lol...I guess shes just pretty comfy in her mama's tummy! :) And I don't wanna be a bother and be in her face all the time, So it was a stay at home Saturday for me! I took my time getting ready and eating lunch, then just read my bible and took a nap. Later on two of my friends came over (Beth and Jake) which cheered me up a bit! :) we made cupcakes and went to in and out for dinner! :) It was pretty awesome and I'm lucky to have such good friends! I got a call from my hubby tonight also which was nice as always, but he is getting sick and he sounded a little down, which makes me sad. I just wish I could actually be there for him sometimes, but I know I can only support him through e-mails and phone calls, which is hard. I know this deployment is happening for a reason but some days I just feel like its harder than others. Today was just one of those days. I know I have a lot to be thankful for but I cant help but feel a little sad tonight, and I'm not even exactly sure why. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I will stop being so emo...Have a good night...


The Navy Wife

Friday, April 16, 2010


Happy Friday everyone! :) I'm feeling really good today and happy! I'm really looking forward to the weekend and hopefully meeting my new niece! My sis Mel is due on Sunday, and if precious little Bella hasn't graced us with her presence by then she will be induced early next week! So that has kept me pretty busy, I've been trying to be there for Mel just in case anything happens and we have all been waiting impatiently...but the way i figure it is Good things come to those who wait!! :) I know it will definitely be worth it once she makes her grand entrance!! So anyways, today I received my daily devotional and it talked about being happy and thankful for the many blessings God has given us in our lives. Now I know we are all guilty of wanting more, (at least I know I am) and at the end of the devotional it asked, "If you were to write God a letter telling him what you were thankful for, what would it say?" I sat and thought about it for a few minutes and the more I thought the more blessings I realized I have in my life...if i were to write God a letter it would go something like this:

Dear Lord,

You have blessed me so much in my short life! Thank you for all your unending love and kindness! I am thankful for so many blessings, so i thought I'd name a few. :)
  • My loving, giving and hardworking husband Isaiah♥
  • My family, they are crazy sometimes but i love them and the friendships we have!
  • My friends: All of them but more specifically Bethany: My best friend and sister in the Lord. Aiya: Fellow navy wife and one of my good friends. Mel: My big sister and more importantly friend. Also all my bloggy friends for all your kind words and support. Without all of you and the Lord I would not be able to make it through this deployment!
  • My In-laws (i know some of you might think I'm crazy, but they have been really sweet to me and been here for me through all the hard stuff!)
  • Being fortunate enough to have a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food to eat.
  • The Lord helping me get through this deployment and helping me to understand he has many reasons for what goes on in my life. His ways are higher than I can ever comprehend and are multifaceted. He loves me and wants whats best for me!
  • Helping me to learn to trust and have faith in you as well as opening my eyes to opportunities to love the way you do and serve others! :)
  • Knowing my husband is safe and the fact that he has a steady job.
  • My wonderful Nieces Bailey and Kiera, (and soon enough Bella!) They bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart. Spending time with them is what made me want to be a mom someday....(something I never wanted to do before!!!)
  • Having opportunities to better myself and get an education. Also living in the best country in the world (even tho we have our problems! lol)and having the freedom to worship and praise you!
  • Although this deployments been tough I realize it is a good thing for several reasons: 1)it is making Isaiah and I stronger and preparing us for the military life style. 2)It has made me seek God and grow closer to him. 3) It has given me a chance to spend time with my friends and family before we move very far away...(2700 miles to be exact!). 4) It has helped his parents deal with the fact that their son is grown and helped to ease the separation anxiety. 5) It has helped Isaiah mature and grow as a man. 6) The Lord wants us to be happy and set up when we move..this gives us a chance to pay off bills, save for furniture and for the very far move! So all in all...does it suck being seperated for six months? Heck yes! But there are good things that have come out of it. 
  • Being able to be here to help Mel with her new baby and get to know Bella for a few months before we move away! 
    Obviously there are probably a million more blessings in my life and I am thankful for those too, but these were the ones that really stood out to me. So whats my point you ask? The point is, my friend, that it is so easy to focus on the bad things in life (like this deployment and being separated from my hubby) and easy to forget the many blessings we do have. Even though things are hard for me right now God has put people in my life who love me( my hubby,friends and family) and are helping me get through it. So in conclusion....
    Thank you Lord for loving me enough to give me all these amazing blessings!! You are awesome!! :)

    The Navy Wife
    P.S. this picture is really old from when Isaiah and I were first dating! Look at his fro!! lol ;)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shopping soothes my soul

Hi everyone! So today started off with a bang when I woke up at 7:00 am (an ungodly hour if you ask me!!) and for some reason I couldn't go back to sleep!! If anyone knows me you know i hate getting up early!! Its all about sleeping So shortly after I woke up I got a call from my hubby :) which made my day and motivated me to get up and finally finish my long to do list of chores and errands...(I am also a procrastinator at!) so i did three loads of laundry, cleaned, dusted and vacuumed my room, showered, and went grocery shopping!! I feel so accomplished!! Not to mention I got all our bills paid and now I even have time to do a little early b-day shopping (as my present from my hubby!) and I'm really hoping I can find a cute dress to wear next Saturday. I haven't been shopping for clothes in ages (and mind you I'm a shopoholic:clothes, jewelry, makeup, purses, shoes...all these things fall under my must have shopping fix!) So I am really excited! :) But I won't be spending too much as we are on a budget and trying to save for our new furniture and have enough money for the move to Virginia. I am actually really proud of myself and can say I have been super thrifty this whole deployment and haven't spent a dime other than on bills, food, or gas (which for me is a big deal cause I've never been able to save a penny! lol) So hopefully I can find the perfect dress for my bday dinner next Saturday...which I still need to figure out when and where were eating. I will admit I'm a little bummed that my hubby won't be here to celebrate with me for the first time in the past three years. :( It sucks but I'm trying to stay positive and tell myself that it will be ok and I'll still have a pretty good day. Hopefully I'm right! Anyways I'm off now to hit the shops for the perfect birthday dress!! hope you all have a great day!! :)


The Navy Wife

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yay For Wednesdays!!

So today is Wednesday and I'm having a great day so far! :) My friend Anastasia and I are counting Wednesdays together as a way to count down the time until my hubby comes home from deployment and to count down how many weeks left she has during her pregnancy! It is a great idea and seems way better than counting months or days, simply because those numbers are much bigger and can be daunting when you look at time from that perspective! Now taking into account that I don't know the exact date of his homecoming yet it is a rough estimation...but it still helps me to think we are getting closer!! :) Thanks for the great idea Aiya!!  As of today there are roughly 19 Wednesdays left!! yay!! Also as some of you may know my blog was being retarded and not allowing comments to be posted(for some strange reason) but with Aiya's help we got it all fixed! So feel free to leave me comments or advice on my posts, they will be much appreciated!! I am doing pretty well today and feeling very optimistic about my life...I have been trying to seek the Lord for help and strength during this deployment and I can honestly say, he is reaching out to me with love and carrying me through each day Isaiah and I are apart. I am so blessed and I know the Lord has put people in my life to help me get through this and that through him I can accomplish anything!! :) I have been receiving a daily devotional each day and setting aside time each day to read my bible and pray. This has helped me tremendously and given me peace. The devotional is amazing and written by christian women, and it is made for women. Its called Girlfriends in God and I highly recommend it to any woman who wants to know and learn more about the Lord or just needs help in life, like we all do. It is very real and gives examples from real women's lives and scripture and always has a great check it out!! :) Its pretty awesome! Anyways in other news I am setting goals for myself and making to do lists to help keep me busy each day during this deployment...and it seems to be helping!! Next month I am signing up for summer school at my community college. After I have completed the courses this summer, I will only be ten units away from achieving my dreams and transferring to a University in Virginia once we move!!! I am so pumped and excited for school and cant wait to finish and become a teacher!! For me this is a huge deal because I have always dreamed of getting an education and making something of myself. Once I graduate I will be the first in my family to graduate from college!! I know thats still a few years away but I am so excited and can't wait for school to start this summer so I can move forward with my educational goals!! Well I'm off for now, I have a ton of things to do tonight!! Laundry, work receipts, and not to mention go walking with my big sis so she can have this baby already!! lol Thanks for listening and I hope you all have an amazing day!!! 


The Navy Wife♥

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!!

So I was up early this morning after a long night of tossing and turning and its actually pretty nice! :) getting up early makes me feel like i can get so much more done in a day so I'm pretty pleased so far! I changed my background on my blog (as you can all see) and I'm loving it!! As for baby news, there is no news yet...Mel is dilated at 2 and 1/2 cm and if she doesn't have this little bundle of joy by Sunday she will be induced early next week for sure!!! So only a week or so left until I meet my new niece Bella Marie and I couldn't be more excited!! We are getting ready to go for a nice long walk to get things moving along! Wish us luck and have a great day!! :)


The Navy Wife

Sweet Dreams...Not Exactly

Hey everyone!! Well my day started out pretty crappy as I awoke from a terrible nightmare this morning. I was being chased by a serial killer and no matter how long I ran or how many fences i jumped over he still kept chasing me! Needless to say I awoke from my very unpeaceful slumber panting and drenched in sweat...not the ideal start to my morning. But as the day went along things started to look up. I got a phone call from my good friend Anastasia, who is also a fellow navy wife btw, and that cheered me up alot. :) Its always nice to have someone to talk to when you feel like your losing your And seeing as she's been through it all before(deployments/loneliness/being jerked around by the navy etc.) It gives me hope that I too can make it through this, for lack of a better word, crappy time in my life. The day started looking up from there and I got ready and started my day. I talked with my mother in law for a bit and worked on some stuff for ICM (my part time job at our church). Even though the work is mostly office stuff and pretty boring it makes me feel good to be working even if its only part time...its been a rough transition going from working 32-40 hours a week in a fast paced store and having a ton of responsibilities as a full time manager, to just being a house wife and working part time. I am definitely not the stay at home and do nothing kind of girl. I love fashion and the creative aspect of running a store but i do not miss the stress of it all. I just wish there were some in between job I could find for the next few months but seeing as the economy is down the toilets in califonia, thats easier said than done. I've searched and found nothing so far and seeing as I only have about 4 and 1/2 months left before we move to Virginia I'm worried I won't be able to find anything. But at least I have my part time job for the time thats always a plus! Anyways were still anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby Bella Marie as she is proving to be a stubborn child already!! Lol...she just doesn't want to grace us with her presence yet! ;) Hopefully she will be here sometime this week and Mel wont be so uncomfortable anymore. I find it funny how many birthdays there are in our family and Mel's husbands family this month, so this baby seems destined to be born on someones birthday!! But I guess we will all have to just wait and see! In other news I heard from my hubby tonight and It made my night!! :) Talking to him always cheers me up and I love hearing his voice. Don't get me wrong I'm extremely grateful for email and all the technology we have these days but its no substitute for actually hearing your husbands voice! :) I am loved and blessed to have such a wonderful hubby!! So all in all not a bad had a bumpy start but ended with a bang! :) I hope you all had a wonderful Monday as well!! Thanks for listening and have a blissful day!! God Bless!!


The Navy Wife

Monday, April 12, 2010

I'll Wait for you...

So yesterday was a pretty good day...until I started worrying again. It seems as though every time I start to make progress in trusting the Lord to take care of Isaiah and bring him home safely I immediately take two steps back...its like I'm going through this mental battle in my head and the fear of losing him fills my mind with these terrible thoughts. I hate reading anything in the news because it just makes me worry more and it doesn't help that my husband can't (and won't) tell me anything about whats going on or if he is safe. :( That makes it hard for me not to worry everyday...I swear I'm going to end up with an ulcer or a bald patch on my head!!! lol. I wish it were simpler to let go of my fears and offer up my worries and problems to the Lord. I try, I really do, but like my mother in law says, it seems my alter is slanted. I give my worries and problems to the Lord only to take them right back and try to fix them myself. In this situation I realize I have no control over our lives and what happens with the navy. As frustrating as this is I know I have to accept it and live my life as normally and best I possibly can. Easier said than done. :/ So to try and motivate and comfort me I am going to refer back to this verse each time I am feeling down... "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
My goal is to say this to myself and believe it!!! And as of now I'm already feeling a tad better!! :) And I'd like to end this post with a thank you to all the other military wives out there for your kind words and awesome blogs, you have no idea how much reading what other wives are going through helps me!! And here is a little video that makes me smile. I hope it makes you all smile too. :) My husband and I danced to this song at our wedding and it pretty much sums up our situation perfectly!! Well thanks again for listening and have a spectacular day!!! God Bless!!!♥


The Navy Wife

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Can't Sleep...

So its 2 am and I can't sleep...I'm not even remotely tired. The truth is I haven't had a good nights sleep since Isaiah left and its getting really old. :/ I miss having my hubby sleeping next to me and waking up beside me in the morning. It was so nice having him home during his leave and I can't help but remember how happy we were. I've never missed anyone so much in my entire life...but I do know that I am so lucky to have such a loving and hardworking husband. He tries so hard to take care of us and make me happy. :) For that I am so grateful and realize what an amazing person he is. I am so proud of him for serving his country and working so hard to take care of us. He is the only person who knows how to make me feel better and forget all my worries after a long and horrible day (other than the Lord, only in a different way). He makes me laugh and smile and makes me feel complete. I really do believe that when you are married two become one like it says in the bible. And I don't just mean in a sexual way...i mean in a spiritual and loving way...your hearts are knitted together and you have a deeper kind of love. I can honestly say that I have never felt this love with anyone besides my husband and am so happy that I've found it.♥ Once again thanks for listening and have a spectacular day!! God bless!!

The Navy Wife

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wishing and Waiting

Two things I find myself doing all too often...wishing time would move faster and my husband would be home...and waiting. Waiting to hear from him, for an email or a phone call. This in itself is enough to drive a woman mad!! Its bad enough there is roughly a 10 hour time difference between California and wherever he is overseas (i have no clue where) and this makes it really hard to communicate. I am frustrated with the high cost of those stupid phone cards..(thanks a lot at&t!!) and just missing him a lot today. I know there will be good days and bad days, but its still so frustrating. I'm praying for the Lord to give me strength to keep going and dealing with all this and so far he has been by my side every day. For that I am grateful but at times I still find myself feeling down and lonely. My husband has been busier this past week and I guess I am just missing being able to talk to him as much as I normally get to. Other than that I am doing pretty well and trying to stay busy helping my sister Melissa prepare for her new baby girl, (Bella Marie) whom I can't wait to meet!! She was supposed to have the baby sometime this week but has yet to go into I guess I'm waiting for that too!! :) lol Please pray for Mel and Bella for a safe and easy labor and delivery!! I've pretty much been here with her everyday this week just in case and it has been a nice distraction from dealing with all my navy/hubby/deployment issues... :) and has allowed me to spend lots of time with my gorgeous niece (Bailey Sarah) as you can see from "my day in pictures" post. She is bright, loving and hilarious with a personality that shines through and makes you laugh and smile so much!! Bella will be lucky to have such a unique and loving big sister!! So even though I am going through hell with the navy and missing my amazing husband, I know the Lord is working in my life and giving me many blessings! This gives me hope and the strength to go on each day and for that I am so grateful! Thanks for listening and have a Fantastic day!!!!

The Navy Wife

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Day In Pictures

Hey everyone!! Just wanted to stop by and tell you about my day so far. I'm trying to keep busy everyday so it doesn't seem so far away until Isaiah comes home. I figure if I am always doing something the days will pass more quickly and so far its working! The Lord is renewing my strength each day and giving me the love i need to keep going and supporting my husband while he is on his first deployment. After my first blog entry I decided to go pay a visit to my older sister Melissa and her 5 year old daughter Bailey. Mel is expecting her 2nd baby girl (Bella Marie) any day now and we're all so excited!! Bailey can't wait to be a big sister and tells me all the time that she and Bella will be best friends! :) Today I took Bailey to the park and we had a day in pictures! It was great and such a beautiful sunny day in California...not too hot, but just right for being outside! After we were done she suggested that we draw a picture for her Uncle Isaiah (my hubby) and give it to him. When I told her he was very far away and couldn't come home for a long time she innocently asked me, "why?" I simply told her that his bosses at his work needed him to be gone to do his job and that it made me sad. :( Then she looked up at me with her bright blue eyes and said, "Awww well don't worry cause Jack the tiger will go kill his bosses so he can come home and be with you! " Hahaha I couldn't help but laugh...(jack is her imaginary tiger) and it made me smile to know she loves me and just wants me to be happy. It was the cutest thing ever. :) Well I'm off to help Mel get ready to have her baby girl so until next time thanks for listening and have an amazing and blessed day!!


The Navy Wife

Hello World!

Hi everyone!! Well since this is my first official blog I guess I will start by telling you a little bit about myself....My name is Brittney and I am married to a wonderful man serving in the U.S. Navy. Isaiah is my soul mate, my best friend and my puzzle piece. He understands me unlike anyone else and I am missing him more and more each day that we are apart. I started this blog as a way to help me get through the trials, frustrations, and everyday life of being a Navy wife!! We are currently going through Isaiah's first deployment overseas and all I can say so far is that its definitely a new experience!!! Being separated for so long takes a toll on any marriage but thankfully the Lord has been with us every step of the way. Although it is stressful, frightening and exasperating at times, I feel as though it is all part of God's plan for our lives and something he will help us get through together!! One thing I can say for sure is that when you are separated from the person you love, so many things come into perspective...this separation has opened my eyes and shown me how much my husband truly does mean to me. It has definitely made me appreciate and love my husband even more and made us stronger as a couple, and for that I am very thankful to the Lord. It has also shown me what little control over my life I do have, and dealing with and accepting that is a whole other story!! :) But for now I am doing pretty well and trying to remain positive and faithful in the Lord. Isaiah has been gone since March 3rd so as of today we have been separated for 1 month and 5 days and I haven't lost my mind yet!! lol its a miracle!! :) Anyways he is expected to return home sometime in mid August or early September so I am waiting (impatiently) for him to return home and for us to finally move from California to Virginia where we will be stationed for the next three years!! I can't wait for this adventure in our lives to begin and to experience living in a new place on the complete opposite side of the country, not to mention being able to actually live with my husband and sleep in the same bed!!! haha I know it doesn't sound like much but to me its my dream come true and any military wife knows exactly what I mean!!! Well thanks for listening and I will keep you all updated on the deployment and my everyday life!! Have a wonderful and Blessed day!!


The Navy Wife